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Roland® TR-808 1:  Opening Up the Rhythm Composer

To take apart a Roland TR-808, you must separate the top panel from the bottom chassis.

To do this, first remove four screws that attach the top panel to the left and right side panels.

In this photo, the right side panel is shown with the screws circled.

You will find two more of these screws on the left side.

Right side cabinet screws

Next, remove three screws from the front edge of the unit (right).

Roland TR-808 front edge screws

Finally, take out three screws from the bottom edge of the rear panel (right).

With all ten screws taken out, you can carefully separate the top and bottom assemblies.

Roland TR-808 rear panel screws

Here, the top and bottom are separated, revealing the underside of a large Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA).

The next job is to separate this PCBA from the top panel.

To do this, you must unplug six cables and take out some more screws.

First, unplug the cables.  Two of the cable connectors are shown circled in this photo.


Two cable connectors

Another two connectors are in the corner, near the On/Off switch.


Two more cable connectors

The last two connectors are on the Jacks PCB, which is mounted to the rear panel.

This photo shows one of those connectors.


One Jack board cable connector

This photo shows the other Jacks board connector.

With all six connectors unplugged, we're ready to unscrew the PCBA from the top panel.


Another Jack board connector

Roland® TR-808

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