The vibrato didn't work in this Vox Continental organ.
To prove that the Vibrato Switch was the problem, we bypassed the switch with a clip
Both the Vibrato and the Mains Switch are obsolete parts, so we
prepared to install a compatible substitute.
First, we detached the switch panel.
To detach it, first pull out the wire staple circled in white.
Then remove the four mounting screws circled in black.
Now you can lay down the switch panel and begin to extract the broken
First, unsolder a pair of red wires from one terminal of
the Mains switch as shown in this photo.
This gives you enough slack to pull the wires
through the pilot lamp cutout.
Here, the wires are pulled through the panel cutout and the switch plate is
separated from the wooden panel.
To remove the bad switch, use a small tool to push on a
locking tab on each end of the switch (right).
Then, push that end of the switch through the
Unsolder the two switch wires
and discard the broken switch.
This replacement rocker switch fits many Vox
Continental models and is available at
Vox Continental Panel Switch.
It's black not white but like the original is marked with a 0 and a 1.
And if you make a small modification to the body, it will perfectly fit the panel cutout.
In this photo, arrows point out the needed modification. Simply use an X-Acto knife
or other blade to slice off a plastic locking tab on each end of the
Here you see our replacement switch pushed through the cutout in the panel.
Resolder the pair of red wires to the Mains switch and solder
the vibrato wires to the new Vibrato switch (it doesn't matter which wire goes to which
Our replacement switch fit snugly and didn't wiggle or rise up at all.
But, just for fun, we added a bit of hot glue.
The new switch looks great, feels like the original, and
no hacking of the switch panel was needed.
We need to replace three missing drawbar tips but, first, we're going to
track down a problem with one of the drawbars.