Replacement Drawbar Tips and Panel Switches for the Vox Continental:
The renowned Vox Continental organ was launched in 1962 by
The Jennings Organ Company (renamed Jennings Musical Industries or JMI) in Dartford, Kent, England.
The model seen here has been dubbed "Version 4" of the JMI Continentals. Released
in 1965, it's the version you see most often.
The ID badge calls the model a "TC" for Transistor Continental but Thomas
Organ Company calls it a "V301J" ("J" for Jennings).
Later, more versions would be made in Sepulveda, California by the Thomas
Organ Company; in Italy by EME (Elettronica
Musicale Europea, a joint venture of JMI, Thomas, and Italy's EKO);
and in the UK by Vox Sound after taking over JMI.
This particular Continental came into the shop with dead notes, intermittent notes, an intermittent
drawbar, a broken vibrato switch, and three missing drawbar tips (knobs).